Let's read 15 amazing facts :-
1. There are more twins than ever, It is because the later you decide to give birth, the higher chances to get twins and people today tends to create family later before.
2. There are more living things on and inside your body than there are people on the earth
3. An average 4 year old kid asks something over 400 times per days
4. There's a room in Microsoft's headquarters in Washington that hold world record for being quietest room in the world. Standing inside the room you can hear your heartbeat.
5. Starfish can not only regenerate their lost limb , But even a limb can regenerate the whole starfish.
6. All ants in the world will weigh as much as the whole human population of the planet
7. Chicken are more than twice as numerous as humans, In 2009 their overall number was estimated to be 18.6 billion.
8. If you have seen snow in your lifetime consider yourself self lucky because two-thirds of the people on the planet can't say the same about themselves.
9. There's a town in Honduras where every year, at around the same time of the year it rains fish.
10. Jeep is actually an abbreviation; originally, it was called G.P or General Purpose vehicle.
11. A jelly fish melts in water because it's 95% water.
12. In 2012, twin girls Amy and Katie were born 87 days apart. They are now in Guinness world record for the longest gap between the birth of twins
13. The mouse's bones are so flexible it can fit into a ballpoint pen-sized hole.
14. The most popular language I'm the world is not English, and by far the tittle belongs to Mandarin Chinese, with billion speakers around the globe.
15. The record for the longest running hiccups belongs to a man named Charles Osborne. He had this condition for 69 years straight.