
Top 20 interesting Random facts

 These 20 interesting facts will surprise you.

1. A hummingbird's heart beats at the average rate of 12,00 beats per minute, that's 80 beats per second.

2. Lobsters, due to their cold-blooded nature, can come back to life after being frozen and thawed again.

3. Prairie dog kiss each other to say 'hi'

4. During the flight on an aeroplane, our sense of smell and taste are 20% to 50% lower than usual.

5. It rains diamonds on Jupiter and Saturn. This happens because methane turns into carbon, which then hardens to become graphite.

6. The name of the man who invented cotton candy was William Morrison. He was a dentist.

7. Mark Zuckerberg is red and green color blind.

8. Bats are the only mammal that can fly.

9. Fresh water represents only 3% of all water on earth.

10. The longest word in English has 45 letters which is:- pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis

It is a type of lung disease.

11. 75% of all spices on the international market are produced in India.

12. Cats cannot taste anything that is sweet.

13. Apple sauce was the first food eaten in space by astronauts.

14. Snails take the longest naps with some lasting as long as 3 years.

15. All clown fish are born male.

16. Switzerland consumes the most chocolate in the world. Here every person eats chocolate on an average of 10 kg in a year.

17.On average, every human spends 25 years of life sleeping.

18. Recent studies have shown that laziness is actually a natural trait of adolescents, it should not be taken negatively.

19. According to NASA, the moon smells like gunpowder.

20. The world's first camera used to take such slow photos that you had to sit for 8 hours for the photo.

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