
Top 30 amazing animal facts

 30 amazing animal facts that will blow your mind. All these facts are about animals, let's read it out:-

1. The largest spider 🕷️ in the world, tarantulas, can live 2 years with out food.

2. The nose print of a dog can be used for it's identification. The dog's nose print is similar to our finger print and are unique to each dog.

3. Snakes don't blink their eyes.

4. The most popular name for goldfish is "jaws". Goldfish turns pale in the dark.

5. Woodpeckers can peck tree 20 times a second.

6.A hippo's  🦛 sweats are pink.

7. Frog's 🐸 don't drink water because it's absorbed through their skin.

8. In south Africa, worms can reach 22 feet of length.

9. Human shares 70% of DNA with slugs.

10. Gorillas can eat 40 pounds of food everyday 

11. A cat has 32 muscles in each ears.

12. Oysters have a cool ability to change their gender whenever they need.

13. A new born panda weighs as much as a cup of coffee and is smaller than a mouse.

14. Horned lizards can shoot blood out of their eyes.

15. Giraffes clean their ear with their own tongue.

16. Iguanas 🦎 can drop to the ground from a tree as tall as 40 feet and walk away unharmed.

17. Flamingos 🦩 can only eat with their heads upside down.

18. Hummingbirds can fly backwards, they can also flap their wings upto 80 times a second.

19. The eye of an ostrich is bigger than it's brain.

20. Rats can live longer than camels without water.

21. A new born Chinese water deer is so small, you can hold it in your palm.

22. One species of butterfly 🦋 living in Africa produces potent enough poison to kill six cats.

23. The fleas can jump 200 times higher than its own height.

24. Caterpillars got 248 muscles in their head alone.

25. Monarch butterflies have 12 thousand eyes, and they lay more than 250 eggs a day.

26. Starfish has 8 eyes one on each of it's eight legs.

27. A mole is able to dig a 300 feet long tunnel in just one night

28. Butterflies' skeleton are on outside their body not inside.

29. A squid's eye is the size of basketball size.

30. A crocodile 🐊 can't move it's tongue because it's attached to the roof of it's mouth.

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