A cat has strong flexible body, quick reflexes, sharp teeth and retractable claws. Cats communicate by meowing, purring, trilling, hissing, growling and grunting as well as cat specific body language.
Let's read the interesting facts about cat :-
1. Cats have been domesticated for about 4,000 years. Before that, they were one of the greatest hunters feared by numerous species.
2. A cat needs to interact with human from about 2 weeks old so that it can be sociable towards people. Even after that, you still have time until a cat turns about 16 weeks old. After that it's almost impossible to domesticate it.
3. A group of kittens is often called a kindle; a group of adult cat is called as a clowder.
4. Cat's purrs or meows are only a tiny part of their vocal abilities. Infact cats can make up to 100 different sounds.
5. The problem of acne is pretty common among cats. They usually end up developing blackheads on their chins which is widely known as feline acne.
6. Most cats tend to spend about two-third of their day sleeping. So the average 9 year old cat has been fully awake for only 3 years of it's life.
Cats also spend one-third of their waking hours cleaning themselves up!
7. Cats sense of smell is truly superb, it's approximately 14 times greater than that of the average human.
8. Cats can't taste sweets. Scientists believe this happens because of a mutation in their key taste receptor.
9. A cats eye have special reflective layer called tapetum lucidum. This layer easily magnifies incoming light and allows cats to see around 6 times better than we do in the dark and lowlight.
10. A cat named Stubbs was mayor of a small town of Talkeetna in Alaska for 15 years.